This man took 5 minutes out of his life to kill himself

As I was sitting down sipping my green tea, I saw a man stepping out of his office. He stood there, took out a cigarette and lit it up.

He stood there on his own for 5 minutes and puffed slowly but surely.
Then he dropped his butt, stepped on it to kill off the ciggy and walked away.
As I was watching this, I made the following mental notes:

1.    He took about 5 minutes away from his work to kill himself.
2.    Instead of being productive, he was unproductive.
3.    He polluted his inside (lungs and other parts of the body) and the outside (the environment).
4.    He polluted the air needed by other human beings to stay alive. Maybe it can be considered indirect manslaughter.
5.    He creates rubbish by leaving the cigarette butt on the ground and further contaminates the environment.

In summary, this man took 5 minutes out of his precious life to kill himself and others plus the environment.

Love Life! 


Is it really a Man’s world? I think not. It is a Woman’s World.

Is it really  a Man’s world? I think not. It is a Woman’s World. Why?

I find woman to be more focussed mentally, more determined in life to succeed and manage problems with greater resolve than man.

I think we man are mentally weaker to handle life’s challenges and maybe that is why we have more men who are drug addicts and alcoholics.
