Registration and Race Kit Collection (event eve)
I registered for the race after a little deliberation whether to take part or not.
After 3 weeks I decided to go ahead with it and run in the 10km.
When I registered I wasn't even ready for a 5 km run. Matter of fact I am still not ready as I am writing these today. It is 26th june and run I tomorrow.
One of the reasons to delay the registeration was the RM45.00 price tag. Abit steep for a 10km however I went ahead because I wanted to be part of the Stan Chart KL Marathon.
There was a buzz around it. Even though alot of runners were very upset for what happenned last year ,this year 16500 have registered. 4500 more runners.
I really wanted to find out and feel the Runner's experience. So here I am writing about it on the KL Marathon to date.
I have been following all the other pre event hypes that follows the event itself.
It is a stange feeling. My anxiety and excitement started when I actually registered.
I even had buyer's remorse having paid RM 45.00 for a 10km. I told myself it better be good.
That depends on two things:
- how it is organized and
- myself; how I prepare myself mentally and physically
How it is organized: I can only share my feelings from what happens from pre event to post event.
So far, it has been great. The online registration was easy. The race kit collection was smooth. Thank god it is in a closed and air conditioned environment. My kit was ready and I did not have any problems.
It felt abit cumbersome that I needed to pick up the kit manully but I did it anyway. Even picking up the kit required me to plan my day.
I thought opening the counters at 12 to 10pm on Thursday and Friday was a good idea. But counter operating times from 11am to 6 (or is it 8pm) on a Saturday was not sitting well for me. I would have preferred an earlier start of 8am. I reckon alot others would have preferered that too as there was a queue building up from 8am at the collection centre in Stadium Titiwangsa.
Anyway, the race kit collection was superb. They opened up the counter at 9 am (2 hours earlier) and just using the IC to verify you details was excellent.
I like how they had a sample on how to fix the timing strip to your shoe. They also had a video on how to fix it and what the race day bag should contain. Quite good.
What I did not like was that the organizer relented to some selfish participants ( a couple) who just strolled pass the rest of us who were waiting since 8 am or earlier for the counter to be opened and forced the issue to release their race kit to them.
I think for an overall enhanced runner's experience, we too as runners must play ball and respect other runners and make a joyful one for everyone.
To that couple, why cant you wait like others? Why so rude?
Organizers, I suggest you don't give in to one person and then close the counter to others. It looks bad on you even though you were only being helpful.
By the way, I heard there were stuff ups by the organizer too. You know where you went wrong, so improve.
Ok.... Anyway, the volunteer at the counter was friendly and efficient. Thank you.
I must say the volunteers looked professional with the standard event tee shirt on. Class.
The race day bag was alright I suppose. It was wasnt of the quality that the runner's get in Stan Chart Singapore.
I really like the number bib. Nice colour, my name on it. It clearly states that it is 10km run, luggage tag space and water proof.
I saw the vest but put it away as I already decided to wear my orange vest.
The race guide booklet was very comprehensive with good information.
The NB voucher was not a big deal for me as I already have Reebok's ZigTech.
So far so good guys!
Pre run preparation
When I went back home, the race kit collection became a family affair. My wife took the things out and said that running bib was impressive . So was the race guide booklet. She took the NB voucher and wanted to pass it on to her nephew. This was 2pm.
But my mind was preoccupied with other things. Like ... why am I doing this? I did not train at all. I drank too much beer during my cousin's wedding only last weekend in Kulim. I was having late nights watching the world cup.
Can I actually complete the 10km? Why did I want to be a hero and join the 10km? I should just try the 5km. The kids fun dash distance will be better suited for me.
What prompted me to do this? I don't know. I suppose I just wanted to experience what a runner goes through.
I was even planning what vest to wear (being the orange man and all). My head needed shaving, what time shall I do that? at night or in the morning? Shall I drive there and park illegally somewhere or should I get the LRT. What time to wake up? Can I bail out?
I don't care if my wife thought I am a chicken. I don't see her running!
What if I embarrass myself by not completing my run. It was really ego bruising to think of it since I was an elite sportsman in school that produced great Malaysians like Dr. Jegathesan, the late Mokhtar Dahari, The Sidek brothers, and Nithi the race Director of Putrjaya Night Marathon.
STOP! Enough beating myself up.
By the time I got out of my deep pondering of what IFs, it was time to watch the world cup.
So I watched the first half and decided to do the right thing.
I went to bed at 11.30pm and had a really good sleep for at least 1 hour. Then it was all over. I was sleepless in KL.
I forced myself to shut my eyes. An my eyes followed my intructions only for my mind to chatter like a monkey. So I quickly got up and watched Ghana knock USA out.
And then a lucky break... it started to rain. And it was torrential. I now have a reason to not to go for the KL marathon. heavy rain lah... nanti saya jatuh sakit (I might fall ill).
This was about 4.45 am.
My heart was happy hearing the very loud pitter patter of the rain drops. Matter of fact I was secretly hoping for a hailstorm or even snow blizzard (yup, pigs can fly).
How selfish am I? I am hoping for the worst to happen without any consideration for the organizer, sponsor and thousands of runners who really wanted to be part of the event rain or shine.
That when it dawned on me that I shall overcome my own demons. I will be there. I found my legs getting up from the sofa and a few meters later collapsing on my bed.
mmmm...... not good. So I forced myself to think of things to inspire and motive me. Martin Luther King appeared in front of me and said "I have a dream and you are in it. Now get out of it and go for the marathon"
Ooops... sorry my man. I woke up with great fervour, changed and got into my car and drove in that rain to bangsar LRT. By the time I parked my carpark and walked to the station the rain stopped and I was ready to conquer the 10km.
When I stepped into the LRT it was a sea of runners. Everybody sort of acknowledges each other quietly with an understanding of " You too uh!"
Before I could get off the LRT at Wan Jamek me mate, Amy calls me and the first thing she says is "Where are you?" Like I was not going to turn up!
Told her that I am heading towards her and I ran to the starting point as it was 6.45 am.
I went straight into the containtment area and waited for the 7am start time.
The Run Itself
At sharp 7, I took my first step towards conquering my doubts of completing the 10km. Thats when it hit me.
The energy of the people who are running with you is something special. There are no coincidences in life and its not by chance that these 7 thousand people are running with me.
The excitement and thrill of running despite your mind games is characther building.
I had a bollywood movie going on in my head by the time I reached the 3km mark.
It was 'why life is so unkind', why are the bad guys winning?' If you are wondering who are the bad guys, they are those who are still sleeping in their warm beds.
When am I going to have the lucky break (translated to where is the freaking water station, cant anyone see that I am dying of thirst). By the way,I have only completed 3km now.
Then as all great Bollywood movies, good overcomes the bad. The much awaited drink station appeared. I drink 100 plus like I never did before.
That gave me the energy to continue hestitantly to go past the 5th km.
The win over evil was short lived. By the time I hit the 6.5km I was already looking forward to the finishing line.
Hearing the MC and music around the corner would be great, thank you.
NO......the next turn I took in my journey was an uphill that was going on forever and forever.
And just as I thought it was over another uphill stares at you.
The bad guy is winning over me. Just as I told myself I don't care about the qualifying times, the finisher medal and the ego boosting bragging right, something happenned within me.
Something in me pushed both my legs forward 1 step after another. I think this is were you find yourself out. Are you strong or weak. Are you made of qualities that will ensure success?
So I find out that a run is just not a run. It is a test of character. It is about achieving the goal you set out. It is about meeting people. It is about expressing yourself. hooHA! Express Your Excitement. It was heavenly when I reached the next drink station.
This is when the good guy (me) began to believe that GOOD will Prevail. Only one thing missing in this mental movie.......
A damsel in distress! for me to rescue and become a hero.
No such luck since all the damsels I saw were running past me and I was in distress.
By now I was already sure of completing the 10km distance. Now was the question of can I do it within the qualifying time of 90 minutes?
At the 2nd drink station not only did I drink water but had a quick shower too. I just poured water on me in preparation of a dash towards the finishing line and being awarded a finisher medal.
I started to quicken my pace. As when I reached the Bank Negara traffic lights my heart was pounding with excitement. The bollywood movie disappeared and I began to visualize myself at the finish line and some hot F1 girls cheering me on. F1 girls in a road race? Why not? Imagination is free!
I kept my pace and stretched out to see where people in fornt of me were heading towards. How many were in front of me? I saw thousands ahead of me and I thought I was hallucinating.
That cant be possible. I am sure I am in the top 10% of the runners. Yeah! right.
Nevertheless, I kept picking up my pace. I am almost home.
Wooooow.... hold on, what the ....?
Why are the runners in front of me running in the opposite direction of the finishing line?
Turn back people.. its this way. FOLLOW ME!
Sh..! The organizers decided to play a cruel game. They get you to smell the finishing line but you cant taste it just yet.
Just as I was beginning to quietly swear in four letter words a fellow runner said it out loud. My sentiments exactly my friend. its war. I will not relent. I will not give up! I am Rambo. You drew first blood.
When I turned into Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, my excitement came back. This time for good. I could feel the finish line, I could taste it. I am almost there.
As I "sprinted" pass Colisuem, I had a smile on my face. I was thinkig about blogging about my experience as a runner.
There were thousands in front and a few more at back of me. It did not matter. What mattered was I am about to achieve my goal.
As I made my way through the last 50 meters of the run, I zig zagged pass other battle hardened runners. I was reliving my glory days as a X-country and middle distance runner for Victoria Institution.
"hoooooHAAAAA!" I shouted as my stepped on the finshing line, the timing chip beep went off and I knew I had conquered not only my first 10km run but also my denoms ,my doubts and my mind.
I finished my race in 1 hour 15 minutes (unofficial). What a time! Not bad for a 46 year old who did not train that much.
The most I did was 4.5 km about 3 weeks ago. Only last weekend I was at my cousin's wedding in Kulim and eat so much food, drank alot and partied 3 nights in a row.
What a moment for me? All my sporting achievements during my school days came back to me. I was so proud when I received my finisher medal. It was a moment to cherish. Too bad I had no one to take a photo to forever immortalize this feeling of excitement and accomplishment.
Ahh...! The universe was listening. Out of the blue, Rachel from Reebok text me and ask if I was around, I said Yes, we meet and we got married. Just kidding. She took my photo because coincidently I was wearing Reebok's latest running technology call ZigTech.

What is the key to my success you ask?
- My wife gave me this gel call "Umh" by Agel. I took one at the 1km and second one at the 6.5km.
- My new shoes ZigTech by Reebok.

- Determination or plain stubborness.
- Being an active sportsman during my younger days.
- Self Confidence.
- Driven by a goal.
- Friends to motivate me (thanks Amy, Rienna, Sui Peng, Yus).
- Good looks (hehehe).
Please note: Before run off saying I am biased, I am not sponsored by Agel or Reebok.
I realize that a running event is not about the distance itself. Its about self motivation, its about discipline, its a journey, sacrifice, personal best, going beyond boundaries, its character building, the energy, making friends, balancing your daily tasks, about decision making, lifestyle balance, mental strength, and FUN AND EXCITEMENT.
By the way, all this excitement for 10km. Imagine if I was doing the 21 or the 42km. It will be like winning an OLYMPIC gold medal.
To all the marathoners. You are special. You are my hero. You are a SUPERSTAR.